Free Well Water Testing!: The Clinton County Health Department has reached out to residents within 1/4 mile of the 4 corners at Fiske Rd and Route 22. There have been reports of increased salt levels in residential well water. If you live in the area of the Fiske/Route 22 intersection, please contact the Clinton County Health Department at (518) 565-4870 for free testing of your well water.



The Town of Chazy is receiving bids for a Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project for the following contracts: General Construction (GC), Mechanical (M), Electrical (E), and Plumbing/Process (P). Bid documents may be downloaded from the AES Northeast website at

A pre-bid conference for the Project will be held on Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 10:00 AM at the Chazy Town Hall, located at 9631 State Route 9, Chazy NY 12921.